賣家有責任遵守日本所有海關法律法規,包括適用的關稅和稅收規定。進口到日本的所有商品都需要繳納進口消費稅。某些商品還需要繳納關稅?!逗jP關稅法》中的協調分類制度既規定了特定商品的分類,也規定了相應的關稅稅率。進口商品的應付消費稅金額的計算依據是,商品的海關完稅價值加上應付關稅以及其他適用的應付貨物稅。當酒類、煙草制品、石油和液化石油氣 (LPG) 等類別的商品進口到日本時,根據相關法律的規定,也可能需要針對其征收貨物稅。在此類情況下,應付稅款將根據進口商品的數量進行計算。
具體關稅稅率,請查看 關稅網站
或查看 關稅與稅率系統概述
日本嚴格禁止某些商品的進口。有關詳細信息,請查看 進口流程。
居住在日本境外(非日本居民),使用亞馬遜物流 (FBA) 的賣家,如果想要進口商品到亞馬遜的日本運營中心進行商品儲存或配送訂單,則必須首先向海關署長指定一名受托人(代表)/代理,允許這名代理代表賣家進口商品。上述流程須在進口商品之前完成。一般而言,任何一名日本居民都可以被指定為受托人或代理,且此人有責任完成進口報關流程,并代表非日本居民賣家繳納關稅和稅費。亞馬遜或其在日本的任何實體都不得作為報關單證上的海關登記進口商,只能由使用亞馬遜物流的賣家或其指定代理擔當。
有關向日本進口商品的有用信息,請訪問 日本海關。
電氣設備和材料安全法(PSE 標志)
向日本進口電氣設備時,商品必須符合《電氣設備和材料安全法》規定的標準。該法律禁止銷售危險品以及任何存在安全風險的電氣設備。進口商有義務遵守該法律,并在合格商品上貼上 PSE 標志,以作為合格證明。
詳情請訪問 電氣設備和材料安全法。
詳情請訪問 無線電使用網站。
以下是可能需要遵守《消費品安全法》并貼上 PSC 標志的商品示例:
CRT 電視機
有關詳細信息,請下載 消費品安全法概述 (PDF)。
有關詳細信息,請下載 家居用品質量標簽法手冊 (PDF)
另請查看 日本政府消費者廳
有關詳細信息,請訪問 《食品衛生法》。
有關詳細信息,請訪問 日本政府消費者廳。
在日本推廣和銷售的藥品和醫療器械必須遵守《藥事法》。請在銷售此類商品之前,訪問 薬事法(日文)或咨詢專業人員。
有關詳細信息,請訪問 日本專利局。
Japan Tax and Regulatory Considerations
Important: Information on this page does not constitute tax, legal, or other professional advice and must not be used as such. You should consult your professional advisers if you have any questions.
This section covers tariff and duty rates, prohibited goods, and non-residential requirements for sellers interested in selling in Japan.
Tariff and duty rates system
It is the seller's responsibility to comply with all Japanese customs laws and regulations, including applicable duty and tax requirements. Any goods imported into Japan are subject to the Import Consumption Tax. Some goods are subject to customs duties. The harmonized classification schedule in the Customs Tariff Law sets forth both the classification and the corresponding customs duty rate of particular products. The amount of consumption tax payable on imported goods is calculated on the basis of the customs value of the goods plus customs duty payable and, where applicable, other excise taxes payable. When certain kinds of goods, such as liquor, tobacco products, petroleum, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), are imported into Japan, excise taxes may also be imposed as stipulated in the respective law concerned. In these cases, the amount of taxes payable is calculated based on the quantities of the imported goods.
Other resources
The Customs duty rate can be found at webTarriff
See also Outline of Tariff and Duty Rates System
Prohibited goods
Japan strictly forbids the importation of certain goods. Please refer to Import Procedures for additional information.
Non-resident requirements
A Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) seller who lives outside of Japan (non-residents) and would like to import goods into an Amazon Japan fulfillment center for storage and order fulfillment must first designate a proxy (attorney) or agent to the Director-General of Customs, allowing the agent to import on the seller's behalf. This must be accomplished in advance of any importations. In general, any person who is a resident of Japan can be appointed as the proxy or agent, but this person is obliged to complete the import declarations and pay duties and taxes on behalf of the non-resident seller. Neither Amazon nor any of its entities in Japan may act as the importer of record on the customs declaration-only the FBA seller or their designated agent.
It is the seller's responsibility to comply with all Japan customs laws and regulations.
When you import goods into Japan, you must comply with all Japanese customs laws and regulations. You are not authorized to import goods in the name of Amazon or to show Amazon as the declarant, importer of record, or consignee on any customs documentation.
Visit Japan Customs for useful information regarding importing goods to Japan.
Note: The listed price of your products must include all applicable charges and taxes.
Regulations and product labeling obligations
Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (PSE Mark)
When importing electrical appliances in Japan, the product must comply with the standard under the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law. This law prevents the sale of hazardous products and any electrical appliance that are considered a safety hazard. The importer has the obligation to conform to this law and attach the PSE Mark, which acts as proof of conformity, onto the confirmed products.
Visit Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law for more information.
Technical Regulations Conformity Certification for Radio Equipment (Technical Conformity Mark)
To sell products that emit radio frequencies, the product must conform to the technical regulations specified in the Radio Law, and the product must have a Technical Conformity Mark, which acts as proof that the product is in accordance with the law.
Visit the Radio Use website for more information.
Consumer Products Safety Act
Below are some examples of products that may be subject to the Consumer Product Safety Act and require a PSC mark:
Pressure cookers and autoclaves for home use
Helmets (automotive, cycle, and so on)
Baby beds
Climbing ropes
Portable laser-applied equipment
Hot water circulators for bathtubs
Oil water heaters
Oil bath boilers
Oil heaters
Indoor instantaneous gas water heaters (for city gas and LP gas)
Bath boilers with indoor gas burners (for city gas and LP gas)
Forced-flue type oil warm air furnaces
Built-in electric dishwashers
Electric dryers for bathrooms
Electric fans
Electric air conditioners
Washing machines
CRT-based televisions
Download Outline of the Consumer Products Safety Act (PDF) for more information.
The Household Goods Quality Labeling Law
The Household Goods Quality Labeling Law provides labeling obligations in order to enable consumers to make informed buying decisions when purchasing household goods. The law establishes what must be displayed on product labels in order to provide appropriate information for the product. The law applies to textile goods, plastic manufactured goods (such as water purifiers, baby feeding bottles), electrical appliances, and miscellaneous manufactured goods sold in Japan.
Other resources
Download the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law Handbook (PDF) for more information
See also Consumer Affairs Agency, Government of Japan
Food Sanitation Act and food labeling
When you sell food products and products intended for infants and small children (such as feeding bottles, eating utensils, plates, and toys), you must comply with the Food Sanitation Act, which ensures food safety for the public.
Visit the Food Sanitation Act for more information.
Also, any food products sold in Japan must have proper labeling to inform the consumer on information such as, but not limited to, ingredients, origin of ingredients, nutritional information, transfatty acid, and transfat labeling.
Visit Consumer Affairs Agency, Government of Japan for more information.
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
When you advertise and sell pharmaceutical products and medical devices sold in Japan, you must comply with the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act. Visit 薬事法 (Japanese) or consult with a professional before selling these products.
Intellectual property rights
Please ensure that you do not infringe intellectual property rights of other parties when you sell your products in Japan. You are prohibited from selling counterfeit or illegal parallel imports. You may also want to consider protecting your own intellectual property rights in Japan.
Visit the Japan Patent Office for more information.