申 訴:是亞馬遜賣家面臨賬號問題的首選,申訴的優勢就是快、便宜。理論上來說,亞馬遜各種被封的賬號都可以嘗試通過申訴的方式來解決。但是現實并非如此。有些申訴了N多次,以及那種出現“你的賬號已經被永久停用”就要選擇其他方式。
仲 裁:當雙方因爭議不能達成一致,自愿找一個公認的第三方來裁決。在美國,這個第三方一般就是指美國仲裁協會3A (America Arbitration Association)。亞馬遜對賣家的態度是嚴苛而強硬,可以無理由進行封店,而仲裁,就是拒絕不合理懲罰的一種有效途徑。
訴 訟:訴訟其實就是走法律途徑了,雙方需要依靠法院判決來解決爭議。但是,亞馬遜賣家面臨的法律訴訟往往沒有這么復雜,多數情況依靠庭外和解就能成功解決問題。庭外和解是一個協商博弈的過程,是否能達成和解?和解的賠償標準是什么?都和賣家的利益息息相關。建議還是委托給專業的律所,讓他們去和權利方溝通協商,雖然需要付律所服務費,但是效果肯定要好于自己去聯系。
申訴要交給專業申訴人員操作。就目前中國市場這邊,其實有很多的申訴團隊,而各自的側重點又有所不同,有些對操作評論申訴基本上一天就能成功,有些對績效方面的申訴經驗豐富,兩天就能成功,另外還有模板申訴、方案申訴、還有一些如侵權 售假等則利用亞馬遜漏洞來進行申訴等等。如果申訴失敗,還可以通過可信渠道進行特殊方式強取款。
當收到亞馬遜郵件后,看到“Why is this happening? ” 基本上就能知道自己店鋪的死因了。
帳號關聯:You have used more than one account to sell on our site.
資料審核:Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to list items without a valid credit card on file.
ASIN違規:You have one more violations against the ASIN Creation policy
違反銷售政策:The Amazon’s Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct prohibit
操縱評論(刷單):Because you are manipulating product reviews
操縱等級、反饋信息以及買家評論:You have been manipulaitng ratings,feedback,or customer reviews on Amazon.
在出售產品中操縱評論:You have manipulated customer reviews on your products.
帳號安全:An unauthorized party has continued to access your account.
違反亞馬遜銷售政策:Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to create listings that violate Amazon selling policies.
銷售違禁品:Your account has been linked to the listing or sale of restricted products.
亞馬遜賬號申訴渠 道
Product Detail Page Abuse/Tampering
Incorrect Variations Abuse
Hello sellerperformance team:
Thank you foryour time to read my email;
I am a newseller of Amazon. I recently started selling on Amazon.
On March 5th,2019, we registered our Amazon account Europe.
Beforeregistering, I studied carefully Amazon’s rules and opened our store in strictaccordance with Amazon’s rules. I am running my Amazon account for the firsttime and follow all the rules of Amazon.
For this Ibought a new network cable, new computer, and phone number card and a newphone.On March 5th,2019, we registered the account, 2days later, a email from your part said thatWelcome to the Selling on Amazon programme.
You can nowreach millions of customers across Europe through your Seller Central account.Your registration provides you access to each of Amazon’s five Europeanmarketplaces – UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
This make us soexcited, and then, We registered Payoneer payment account for receiving thepayment and get the Account certificate letter.
Today, when wewant to add payment method, we can’t sign in our account. Always show passworderror, We have modified it a few times and still can’t solve the problem.
This is ourfirst time to sign up for the Amazon Europe site. We asked our Amazon accountManager why our account was closed. He told us that our account is associatedwith another account amazon. This issue is very shocking to us. Our companyapplied for the first time to register for the Amazon Europe site. We totallycan’t understand why it was judged to be associated with another account.
We checked allof our data of Company and equipment, they are all new. we are very strict withAmazon’s rules. We certainly understand that we can only operate one Amazonaccount, and we also register for the first time, and only one account.
Because I haveto go on business trips regularly,
Amazon has 24hours to reply to the information of client, so I purchased an Aliyun Remoteserver IP (ECS), Today, I went to ask their customer service. They said thattheir IP address will be recycled. We can’t confirm whether it is just becauseour address was previously registered Amazon account by someone else, but thisis out of our control, cause we can’t check the IP that how it use before, canyou understand?
Before buying(ECS) IP, we can’t check what this IP used to do. We are very sorry for this,we will not use this ip operation account in the future. We will re-purchase anew network cable to log in to our account to avoid your concerns.
We have providedyou with all the information of our company to prove that we are the first timeto register an Amazon account Europe , please check our information carefully.
But now myaccount is blocked because of this account associate with other accounts, I canprovide information related to the account to prove our innocence, I hope youcan reinstate my account
I look forwardto your reply, thank you deeply!ply!
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products.
We immediately check the listings.
Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.
We had removed the listings and promise we won’t sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.
Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we’ve been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer’s right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
Jason From XXX Company
亞馬遜賬號ODR申訴 成功拿回銷售權的申訴信供參考:
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team.
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon, com has fallen below both
Amazon’s and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two
A-Z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014
because of a long vacation, obviously, the two complaints are nightmare during the period
without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1.Review a 11 of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match
with our products.
2.Most importantly, we wiII complete the investigation more quickly and proactively (within12
hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help
prevent A~z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be
done within 24 hours
3.In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are
meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own s
tandards of quaIity customer service.