您可以從折扣中任意刪除商品,沒有數(shù)量限制。從 Prime 專享折扣中刪除商品有兩種方式。您可以直接從網(wǎng)頁應用中刪除,也可以通過上傳包含要刪除 SKU 的 Excel 表來刪除。
您可以從折扣中任意刪除商品,沒有數(shù)量限制。從 Prime 專享折扣中刪除商品有兩種方式。您可以直接從網(wǎng)頁應用中刪除,也可以通過上傳包含要刪除 SKU 的 Excel 表來刪除。
轉至 【Prime 專享折扣】,從要編輯的折扣所對應的操作單元格中選擇【查看詳情】。如果您已經上傳了商品,將轉至【查看】頁面。點擊您要刪除的商品所對應的【刪除商品】。
轉至 【Prime 專享折扣】,從要編輯的折扣所對應的操作單元格中選擇【查看詳情】。打開折扣詳情后,點擊要移除的商品所對應的操作按鈕中的【刪除】。您將轉至【查看】頁面。點擊【提交折扣】,確認刪除。
轉至 【Prime 專享折扣】,從要編輯的折扣所對應的操作單元格中選擇【查看詳情】。打開折扣詳情后,點擊【添加更多商品】。上傳填寫了您要刪除 SKU(在添加-編輯-刪除列中標記為“d”)的折扣上傳模板電子表格。在查看頁面上提交商品。
注意: 從詳情頁面上移除折扣價格可能需要長達 2 個小時。Removing or deleting products from a Prime Exclusive Discount
Removing or deleting products from a Prime Exclusive Discount
You can delete any number of products in a discount. There are two ways to delete products from a Prime Exclusive Discount. You can delete directly from the webapp or by uploading excel with SKUs to be deleted.
Deleting SKUs in a discount before scheduling
Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. If you have uploaded products, then you will be directed to Review page. Click Remove Product corresponding to the product you want to delete.
Inline Delete for Submitted Discount
Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. Once the discount details open up, click Delete in the action button corresponding to the product you want to remove. You will be directed to the Review page. Confirm Delete by clicking Submit Discounts.
Bulk Delete
Go to Prime Exclusive Discount, and choose View Details from the action cell corresponding to the discount you want to edit. Once the discount details open up, click Add More Products. Upload the discount upload template spreadsheet filled out with the SKUs you want to delete marking "d" in add-edit-delete column. Submit the products in the review page.
Note: It can take up to two hours for the discounted price to be removed from the detail page.