追蹤編碼 | 承運人提供的包裹追蹤編碼 |
ASIN | 亞馬遜商品編碼 |
買家電子郵件 | 亞馬遜提供的地址,可在“聯系賣家”表單中查看。 |
商品編碼 | 亞馬遜提供的值,用于識別商品。 |
SKU | 庫存單位。 您的商品編碼 |
訂單編號 | 亞馬遜為每個訂單創建的唯一編號。 |
商品名稱 | 您為商品創建的名稱。 |
訂單配送方 | 配送方式, () 或賣家自行配送。 |
訂單狀態 | 包括“等待中”、“未配送”、“已配送”、“已取消”和“全部”訂單。 |
日期范圍 | 在所選日期范圍內創建的訂單。 注意: 訂單可在【管理訂單】頁面上保留最多 365 天。如果您需要更早的訂單信息,請聯系賣家支持。 |
銷售渠道 | 通過亞馬遜網站(如 Amazon.com 或 Amazon.co.uk)或非亞馬遜網站(如貴公司網站)所下的訂單。 注意: 此篩選選項僅在您使用一個賣家賬戶在多個渠道上銷售時顯示。 |
保存 | 要保存您想定期使用的搜索,請在搜索設置下選中【設定為我的默認訂單視圖】。 |
刪除 | 要刪除已保存的搜索,請單擊【清除所有篩選條件】。默認設置將恢復為在最近七天中所下的全部訂單。 |
替換 | 要替換已保存的搜索,請先創建一個新搜索,然后在結果頁面上選中【設定為我的默認訂單視圖】。 |
根據您在第 1 步選擇的設置,在第二個方框中從下拉列表中選擇一個值,或者在文本框中輸入關鍵詞。
重要: 必須按照 000-1234567-1234567 的格式輸入訂單編號。否則,您將收到出錯消息“未找到訂單編號”。
選項 | 描述 |
【搜索:】 | 從下拉列表中選擇一個值,然后在文本框中輸入適當的關鍵詞。重要: 必須按照 000-1234567-1234567 的格式輸入訂單編號。否則,您將收到出錯消息“未找到訂單編號”。 |
【日期: 】 | 選擇【訂單日期】或【預計配送日期】。【范圍】選項隨所選的日期值變化。 注意: 訂單可在【管理訂單】頁面上保留最多 365 天。如果您需要更早的訂單信息,請聯系賣家支持。 |
【訂單狀態:】 | 選項隨所選的日期值變化。 |
【訂單配送方: 】 | 配送方式:由賣家或,或者由二者共同配送。 |
【銷售渠道: 】 | 在亞馬遜網站或非亞馬遜網站上購買。 注意: 此高級搜索選項僅在您使用一個賣家賬戶在多個銷售渠道上銷售商品時顯示。 |
【排序方式: 】 | 結果的排列順序。 |
Search orders
In the Manage Orders tool, you can search for orders using the following filters:
Tracking ID Carrier's tracking ID for the package. ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number.
Identifies a product in our catalog.Buyer Email Amazon-derived address, viewable on the Contact Customer form. Listing ID Amazon-derived value for identifying a listing. SKU Stock keeping unit. Your product identifier.
Order ID Unique Amazon-created identifier for an order. Product Name The title you created for your product. Fulfilled By Fulfillment method, either Amazon-fulfilled () or seller-fulfilled. Order Status Includes Pending, Unshipped, Shipped, Cancelled, and All orders. Date Range Orders created in the selected range of days. Note: Orders remain available on the Manage Orders page for up to 365 days. If you need older order information, contact Seller Support.
Sales Channel Orders placed through an Amazon website, such as Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk, or a non-Amazon website, such as your company site.
Note: This filtering option will only appear if you sell on multiple channels using a single seller account.
Default search settings
The default search setting is all orders placed in the last seven days. You can create and save your own default search setting, so that every time you return to the page, the orders list displays the same results.
To save, remove, or replace a default search setting, follow the corresponding instructions:
Save To save a search that you want to use regularly, check Make this my default order view, below the search settings. Remove To remove a saved search, click Clear all filters. The default will return to all orders placed in the last seven days. Replace To replace a saved search, first create a new search, then on the results page, check Make this my default order view.
Basic Search
Find orders using the Basic Search capabilities by following these steps:
Select a search filter from the first drop-down list.
Depending on your selection in Step 1, in the second box, either select a value from the drop-down list or enter keywords in the text box.
Important: Order IDs must be entered in the format 000-1234567-1234567. Otherwise you will receive an "Order ID not found" error message.
When available, in the third box, select a date range from the drop-down list.
Click Search. Your search criteria is summarized above the orders list.
Advanced Search
Use Advanced Search to conduct a more detailed search:
Click Advanced Search.
Choose from any combination of the following search options:
Option Description Search: Select a value from the drop-down list and enter the appropriate keywords in the text box. Important: Order IDs must be entered in the format 000-1234567-1234567. Otherwise, you will receive an "Order ID not found" error message.
Date: Select Order date or Expected ship date. Range options vary depending on which date value is selected. Note: Orders remain available on the Manage Orders page for up to 365 days. If you need older order information, contact Seller Support.
Order Status: Options vary depending on which date value is selected. Fulfilled By: Fulfillment method: either seller-fulfilled, Fulfilled by Amazon, or both. Sales Channel: Purchased on Amazon website or a non-Amazon website. Note: This advanced search option will only appear if you sell on multiple sales channels using a single seller account.
Sort by: Order in which to sort the results.