1. 某商戶將產品出售給加拿大境內用戶,并從加拿大境內發貨。此商戶是否需要代繳 GST/HST?
是的,此商戶需要代繳 GST/HST,且必須在加拿大進行 GST/HST 登記。
2. 某加拿大本土商戶將產品出售給加拿大境內用戶,并從加拿大境內發貨,但此商戶屬于年收入低于3萬加元的小企業,未進行 GST/HST 登記,是否允許在 Wish 平臺上銷售產品?
如果沒有有效的 GST/HST 登記號碼,Wish 將不再允許任何商戶向加拿大消費者銷售從加拿大境內發貨的商品。請獲取 GST/HST 登記號碼或咨詢。
3. 某商戶從魁北克省發貨給該省內的用戶,是否需要代繳 QST?
是的,此商戶需要代繳 QST,且必須在魁北克省進行 QST 登記。這種情況下,從魁北克省發貨給該省內用戶,一個訂單的總稅率將為 14.975%。
4. 某商戶從加拿大境內發貨給薩斯喀徹溫省用戶,是否 GST/HST 和 PST 均由 Wish 代繳?
不是,商戶必須進行 GST/HST 登記,并向機構代繳 5% 的 GST/HST。Wish 作為加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的市場促進者,將負責計算和代繳 6% 的 PST。
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. A merchant sells goods to customers located in Canada and ships the goods from Canada. Is the merchant required to remit GST/HST?
Yes, this merchant is responsible for remitting GST/HST. It is a requirement for this merchant to register for GST/HST in Canada.
2. A Canadian domiciled merchant sells goods to customers located in Canada and ships the goods from Canada but has no GST/HST registration as the merchant is considered small business under the CAD 30,000 annual revenue threshold. Is the merchant allowed to sell on Wish?
Without a valid GST/HST registration number, Wish will no longer allow any merchant to sell goods to Canadian consumers that are shipped from within Canada. Please obtain your GST/HST registration number or consult with your tax advisors.
3. A merchant ships goods from Quebec to customers in Quebec. Is the merchant required to remit QST?
Yes, this merchant is responsible for remitting QST. It is a requirement for the merchant to register for QST in Quebec. In this case, the total tax on an order shipped from Quebec to customers located in Quebec will be 14.975%.
4. A merchant ships goods from Canada to customers located in Saskatchewan. Is remitting GST/HST and PST?
No, the merchants have to be registered for GST/HST and remit the GST/HST of 5% to the Candian authority. Wish is marketplace facilitator for the Candian province Saskatchewan, so Wish will calculate and remit PST (6%).